Sunday, April 29, 2012

MARTHA Coakley Protest UPDATE

What a day we all had as activists on the streets of Boston, Saturday 28 April. Arriving at 100 Cambridge at 1:00pm with (FREE MASS MEDIA) Niki Smokes,  and her husband Tommy, our new family member "Rich FU", and my wife Valerie.

Here we encounter MIKE CANN smiling and looking very happy to see us finally arrive as we all have a big group hug.

Right away Niki Smokes proceeded to make us customized signs to hold up in public. Always being so thoughtful and professional. Then others arrived and one friend had a bull horn. Then Red Blazer Man "Glenn Prescott and his lovely girlfriend Theresa arrived. Sarah Sparks from MASS BYTES with camera in tow also arrives. We then see DIG BOSTON arrive to cover the Protest and give all of us support.

Now the protest has begun.

We chanted, passed out KING of POT cookies, and proceeded to march through the streets of Boston on up to Asburton place.

Here is where I got very emotional about everything we all stand for, and especially my good friend who is in a Federal Penitentiary in the USA, for selling seeds over the internet. Mind you he is a Canadian Citizen. The adrenaline rush flowed to a point that I completely blacked out and I spoke the truth and anger I feel about this atrocity.

I had never had been so emotional and upset and the same time in Public like that in my 12 plus years of activism. Oh well. Hope I did not make to much of a fool of myself.  Anyways it was for what I really feel passionate about and believe in. I have to say it did feel good to shout it loud and clear through the streets of Boston.

To sum up, I promise to always back my Brother MIKE CANN politically whenever he calls upon me to help out with any future protests.

Again I want to thank everyone for coming and those I forgot to mention by name, because I really forgot some names and I apologize again.

Thank you MIKE CANN for always being my friend and brother through thick and thin.

Let's do it again, and this time create some prior chants and colorful signs that will really get our messages across to the people of Boston.

Keep smoking;